Thursday, June 09, 2011

Abby's Dance Recital...Day 1-Pictures

We had a very busy 4 days. On Thursday, Abby had her dance pictures. She had to wear a high bun, a little make-up, and have her picture taken in 2 costumes. Well, if you know me at all, you know that I was never a dancer, always into sports, so this whole dance recital business is all new to me. Let's start with the hair...a high in the world do you get Abby's thin hair to stay in a bun. The main advice I recieved was hair gel and hair spray. Luckily, when Abby went to disney world, the professionals put her hair up in a tight bun. Since she wore her Ariel costume home and her hair still in a bun, I took notes on how they got it to stay. Well, I think it turned out pretty well, especially for my first time! Now the make-up, Abby's dream came true. She could now wear make-up outside the house. I put on a little powder, blush, eye shadow, mascera, and lip gloss. Not too much...but enough to be able to tell she had something on. Then I had to pack all her gear...tap shoes, ballet shoes, pink tights, hair accessories, outfits, etc. I knew when I got there, I was missing something. Then it hit me...her second costume! I left Abby there in her first costume with a friend and loaded Hudson up and hurried back to get her second costume. I was back in time for her second round of pictures! Remember...this is only day one. Day two is the dress rehearsal.

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