Sunday, June 05, 2011

Abby's Preschool Graduation

Abby graduated from preschool. And that means she is going to kindergarten this fall. She is so excited! She has been attending Central Weekday School since she was 14 months old. She has had the best teachers. One of the great things about CWS is that they teach about Jesus. They have chapel every week and learn bible stories and memorize verses. I'm definitely going to miss that aspect of school. She has met some great friends and I have met some great moms! She is sure going to miss going to CWS but the good thing is, Hudson is going in the summer so she will be able to see some of her teachers again.

Kathy Littrell, CWS Director, said a few things about each student. Abby said when she grows up she wants to be a nurse and a mom. Her favorite thing about school was bringing toys at Christmas time for children who didn't have any.
She received her diploma
Ms Sharon and Ms. Suzanne's 4 year old class

Gracie and Abby

Michael, Ana Michelle, and Abby

Mrs. Donna, Abby's adopted grandmother who keeps her and Hudson every Wednesday afternoon, came to see her graduate

We are so proud of Abby

We celebrated at The Brick for lunch

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