Sunday, February 21, 2010


E-mealz is a great way to help you save time on your grocery planning and shopping. I've used it for over a month now, and it is fantastic. Here are some of the perks:

•The dinner menu is concisely organized in a one-page chart (no long recipes or printing several pages - just one sheet to keep up with in your kitchen!)
•No wordy instructions - just to the point and easy to follow at-a-glance (for the harried Mom!)
•All the side dishes are included in the menu and grocery list
•Grocery list is concisely organized by grocery sections in a one-page chart
•Includes an extra column for you to add "Other Groceries I Need"
•The TOTAL COST of your grocery list is given at the bottom (except for the Any Store plans). We work to keep the grocery total at a $75 average.
•Necessary staples are listed and organized by meal #
•Want to eliminate a meal? Just cross out each grocery item on the grocery list with that corresponding meal # beside it. (Takes just a minute!)

I use the Publix Point System plan for 4-6 people. I usually choose 4 recipes from the 7 to make that week. All my family has loved the meals. They are quick and easy. It's a timesaver. Dave Ramsey is a huge supporter. Just click the link at the top or the side of the page and check out the sample menu. At only $15 for 3 months, this is definitely a steal! You can save at least that much using coupons in one grocery trip.

1 comment:

Laura Matthews said...

And you can even use promotion code "DAVE" to save another $2.50 off the cost! Love it! (This is Laura Odom Matthews - I check up on you and your cute family every now and then through Kelly or Chris's blogs)!